Like so many people today some of us are so busy on a fast track of activity that it’s no wonder we are often left feeling disconnected, dissatisfied with results and sometimes even depressed. The cacophony of noise blasting a discordant symphony of city sirens, the invasion of our thoughts by cell phones ringing and text messaging, the lure of the computer and other electronic devices jangles our nerves. These intrusive distractions can make your good mood plummet. Most seriously, zipping through life and its daily demanding tasks you’re missing each day’s minutest treasures that sustain a healthy and happy life. A Cayce reading says, “For the vibrations should be from within, rather than from without!” (1183) It’s time to calm down, relax and take time out to ‘smell the roses,’ to still your thoughts and focus your attention on the present.
If your calendar is so crammed with appointments and you have become a victim of the computer driven society now is the time when you should assess what’s happening to you. It may seem that the days just roll one into another and before you know it another week has pushed you frantically into the next week. When you’re racing against the clock, trapped by appointment overload, or you rush to complete a project or lock yourself on the computer for hours on end you’re beginning to lose touch with life’s precious hours. If you are racing against the clock it’s time to go into repair mode.
When Cayce said that vibration should come from within rather than from without, he was talking about the matter of attunement, allowing our innermost being to align to the world. Slowing down and savoring every moment is a mental medicine that may even save your life from a sudden heart attack or from depression, and even premature aging. Despite personal or work demands put your needs first and find five or ten minutes to focus totally on the ‘now’ in your life.
One of the easiest ways to get into the ‘now’ grove is through calm breathing exercises. Cayce placed a great emphasis on deep breathing as a daily exercise. He said, “When you take a good deep breath, especially if you exhale it completely, forcing residual air out of the lungs, you bring about a complete change of air.” Still the moment in your activity at home or office and take a deep breath, feel the air flow passing in and out of your nostrils, filling your lungs with oxygen which will help to eliminate carbon dioxide, which is the end product of fatigue. As you perform this simple exercise a calm feeling floods over your body. Do this any time you find yourself caught in a traffic jam, locked in standby mode at the bank or the checkout counter or post office. Look around and breathe in serenity and you’ll find yourself looking at the situation with rose colored glasses instead.
Cayce also recommended walking briskly to replenish the oxygen in your body. Walking can work as well as any antidepressant and it can benefit weight loss as well. For short trips instead of jumping into the car or taking a bus start walking, not strolling and window shopping. As you do so, discover new sights and sounds. Welcome the trees that renew each spring, select a flower and cherish its creation and smell its aroma, thank the stars that come out each night, take joy in the returning seasons, the wind in your hair, the feather kiss of the snow and before you know it you are in the ‘now’ living life fully and cherishing each moment.
Cayce also recommended walking briskly to replenish the oxygen in your body. Walking can work as well as any antidepressant and it can benefit weight loss as well. For short trips instead of jumping into the car or taking a bus start walking, not strolling and window shopping. As you do so, discover new sights and sounds. Welcome the trees that renew each spring, select a flower and cherish its creation and smell its aroma, thank the stars that come out each night, take joy in the returning seasons, the wind in your hair, the feather kiss of the snow and before you know it you are in the ‘now’ living life fully and cherishing each moment.
Becoming fully aware and living in the present your internal sense of happiness takes on a new level of meaning and relationships improve. You no longer rush through the moment, but instead you listen and respond with personal attunement. Each individual in your life receives your total attention in the moment and you make them feel appreciated and important. When dining you taste each morsel you eat with renewed delight and find that you eat slower and enjoy it more. You’re on the path of discovery and find many other little ways to return yourself to the present. Making every day, every minute, every hour count, you jumpstart joyful renewal, living in the moment.
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